Friday, June 12, 2009

Create Unstoppable Confidence


Self-confident people have indestructible self-belief, nothing can take away their feeling of self-worth and they bounce back again and again.
You can feel like this. You have all that it takes to go for what you want and to ride the ups and downs that life inevitably brings. You have given yourself a chance to get going and change your life. Just do it!

A person with strong Self- belief, checklist:

  1. Never compare yourself with others.
  2. Knows that you are your own person and that nobody else can understand YOU as well as YOU can.
  3. Listen to helpful advice and comments, however never blindly follows other people's opinions.
  4. Trusts your instincts and listens to your heart.
  5. Recognises that you will make mistakes and learn from them and moves on.
  6. Depends upon your own judgement and always gives yourself time to work things through.
  7. Values rest and relaxation as much as action planning and activity.
  8. Knows that when you are calm and focused you will make the best decisions.
  9. Accepts that there will be days when your self-belief is not so strong and will wait until you are feeling more positive before committing yourself to any course of action.


The only way to change your circumstances, in any of your relationships is to change yourself. When life throws us a challenge we have a choice to make.

Ask yourself these questions .........
How do you respond now? How would you like to respond? How would you like to feel?

Being creative in how you respond is not always easy, it requires courage and will-power at a time when things might become very tense.

I would like you to change or delete a few words in your vocabulary.

  • Difficult becomes Challenging or Trying.
  • delete the word "try" take it right out of your vocabulary!

When we use the word "try" we give ourselves an excuse not to do something. Think about that for a minute. Start by making these changes, by using these words.

Low self-esteem is always linked with victim consciousness. What is holding YOU back?
How could we continue to let ourselves;

  • lose out,
  • miss out,
  • get treated like a doormat,
  • be abused etc.

This low self-esteem is limiting you, do you deserve to be treated in this way?
Next time when you find yourself diving for cover, or feeling sick with guilt and blame, or is it often causing you to be unsatisfied with your life? Thereby lowering your self-esteem even more, think about how you can stand up for yourself and ask am I taking responsibility for my life? You have to raise your self confidence.......You ask how?.......You can with awareness and training.......Your journey has began!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Are You Open For Change?

Sometimes life will get difficult and set up a challenge.
How will you handle that challenge? Will you sit by idle and hope that it will go away or will you strive and conquer by jumping in at the deep end with both feet? Are you scared of failing or drowning?

Keep your mind open so you can explore all possibilities presented to you. Sometimes it is very hard to be open, creative and grow in ways that only you can grow.

When I went for my first competition I stood with shaking feet and sweaty palms, and I asked my parents, “Do you think I should participate, do you think I'm good enough?”

Their answer was simple, “What have you got to lose?” and that was that. Sure enough I lost the contest, well actually I came in at second place. Did that count? Yes I had won!

Suddenly,I was popular and gained friends. Overnight, I was the princess! But the best part of all, I had gained experience.
After that there was no looking back. Needless to say, I had gained confidence.
The winning streak continues still.

When someone ask me, “What if we do not win?” You guessed it, “What have you got to lose?” Coming in second is not bad!

If you think you are losing face or reputation by losing any kind of contest, whether you are vying for that all important client or your school spelling contest, than just admit the fact that you were not good enough in the first place.

The problem is that we become so fixated at our loss so subjectively that we do not look at anything else. Not even at what we have gained due to the loss. All we see is a closed door instead of looking at the new windows that are opening for us.

We have to find what works for us, and what we can improve about ourselves. The secret behind converting a loss into a win is what we gain out of the experience.

Refuse to allow yourself to have low expectations about what you are capable of doing or creating.
To often we set our goals so low that we are not being challenged, we just do not aim high enough.

You are capable of so much more, let your inner flame tell you that you are able to create miracles in your life.
You possess the energy to be a miracle worker. However you have to believe, want and know it is with in yourself. When you decide to have an open mind, ready for change, you are ready for anything!

Know no boundaries and limitations.
Think of what you are going to gain.

Every day is a new beginning. Go on, give yourself another chance. In life there are no guarantees. Do we stop trying just for fear of failing? Then why do we stop believing in ourselves? Why do we stop taking more chances? Why do we stop participating in contests or experimenting in life?

What have you got to lose?
Take a chance now and get ready for change!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Source Of Infinite Power !

What are your dreams ?

Are you looking for something much more than getting rich? Your first step would begin by turning your dreams into reality. Fulfilling your dreams is the only way to achieve lasting happiness the kind of happiness that is based on and supports the power of your spirit.

Nothing in the material world, not even the most beautiful house or the most attractive sports car, can replace the excitement of living your dreams.

Ignore your weaknesses, instead find your strengths.
Spend all your time and energy in developing your strengths and then enlighten the world with them. Pick up three to five things you are good at and make them to the point of being great! Every new endeavor will require learning new things. That to me is exciting!
Wait and see the difference it makes in your life. By doing so, you will touch the hearts of many people and you will be rewarded with abundance and prosperity in your life. Following the power of your dreams is like tapping into the universal source of all success.

Follow your dreams !

If you love what you do, you can never fail!
Why? Because you will always be motivated. During the inevitable times when you are discouraged, you will find a way to turn things around.
After you take a break, your energy will be back in no time. When you do what you love, you will be empowered by the universal source. This source is beyond your wildest imagination, and it is of infinite supply.

There is nothing in this world that can make you stop doing what you love to do. You however, need to have a great reason for what you want to accomplish and who you want to do this for.
These reasons can be as varied and personal as anything in the universe. If you take away these reasons and ideas, you will surely fail because there would no longer be any substance behind the reality of your dreams. They would have been cut off at the source.

If there is only one important thing in your life, then surely it must be to find and live your dreams. Often we keep putting our plans on hold for the right time to come, there is no better time than the present.
Don't waste any more time doing things you don't like. Yes, you are taking a risk, but you will never want to go back once you have make this choice.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Do You Remember When ?

Is it time to dust off the dreams of your childhood?

Remember while you were growing up all those years ago?
Remember the dreams you used to have about what you were going to be when you grew up?
Remember what you wanted to be?
Perhaps you wanted to be like Super Man and save the world or perhaps you could visualize your self as an ice skater or a ballerina.

You did have fabulous plans for your future!

Of course, you would not have known at the time in what capacity.
Would you be on stage, would you take your love of play and be a stage actor? Would you be famous?

The details were a little hazy.
Did you have this deep burning desire, now the next question is did you follow up on those dreams of yours. There may have been a million reasons to have fallen into the job you are doing today.

So like most of people, you pushed those unrealistic thoughts and big dreams into an imaginary box, where they stayed locked it away.
And now, many years later, all grown up. Can your dreams now slowly and quietly bubble back up to the surface of your conscious mind?
So what hidden dreams are you harboring?
Is it time to open your box of imaginings, dust them off and start dreaming again?

The dreams and desires that burn inside you began as thoughts that have been given to you by a higher power. The Universe has planted these ideas into you throughout your lifetime with the intention that you pick up the idea and run with it, believe in it and yourself and fulfill your life's purpose.

So dust them off and start thinking about them even more magnificently, spend your time imagining what might be possible for you. And then spend time getting clear on what you want for your life now and in the future, dream bigger than you have ever dared dream. Most importantly follow trough on those dreams of yours

Have a big dream for each area of your life, in health when all is said and done that would be most important. Mind you, love and relationships, wealth or finances, it is all important, career or job and in the area of spirituality.

Believe that you have everything within you right now that you need to reach these goals.
So today, say YES to your big dreams, have faith that you can have anything you can imagine and take your first step into the future where you are passionately living on purpose.

John Assaraf said ‘God does not call on the qualified, God qualifies the called who say YES. The how will always come after the what’.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Do You Like Your Life Today?

Do You Like Your Life Today?

More importantly, do you like yourself?
Happy with what you've become?
Do you think you have developed some very important qualities?
On the other hand, are there some extremely self-destructive attitudes or behaviors which you wish you didn't have which you would very much like to change this minute?

Your reading of "Make Your Garden Grow" is a private experience. No one is watching your thoughts. They are your and yours alone!
You can be as honest with yourself as you want to be. You will not be taking any tests, there will be no test scores, the quality of your life is the only true test.
So how is your life?
In this private and personal study you can create a better life, becoming the person you love to be through practice of the techniques and concepts revealed in this blog.

However, a kind and unpretentious honesty is a necessary foundation. In many ways, it's fun to be honest.
Abraham Lincoln, and other sages, said it's better to speak the truth because then you won't have to keep all your lies straight. Honesty with yourself is the beginning of sincerity with other people!
It is the bedrock of good will and mutual respect. If you can't be honest with yourself, you will find it very difficult to improve your life in any lasting way. All movement toward higher consciousness involves facing problems, shortcomings, and then being willing to make changes.

Of course the most difficult thing is to be honest with ourselves. It's so very easy to be self deluded into thinking that we are always in the right, we are always the offended party or hero from the "good side."

Now that is a delusion.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Imagine that you could be happy every day.

Can you imagine to be happy every day of your life? Happy that you have the people you love around you. Happy that they can, either enjoy retirement or go to work, do what it is they want to do.

Can you imagine just to be happy with life?

Did you know that more relationships break up because people don’t know how to validate each other than for any other reason. Over time, pent-up frustration turns into anger.
Now imagine rather than blaming each other, you can learn how to work as a team and help each other through difficulties and power struggles.
In order to do this, you have to create a safe relationship where you can express needs and fears.

Just imagine with a few more life skills, you can learn to effectively resolve anger and conflict.
Did you know that one of the biggest causes of unresolved anger between people is a lack of understanding. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, different ways of expressing ourselves.
Imagine and know that, when it comes to the need for understanding, friendship, love and intimacy, we are very much alike; we simply express ourselves in different ways.

Happiness comes from being contented for having what you have.

Not all people who went to bed last night where able to open their eyes this morning. You are truly fortunate to be alive this morning, able and healthy to make it another productive day.
Life is for doing
Make your day great and count your blessings.

Secrets of life .............http;//

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happiness is Contagious !

Did you know that Happiness is Contagious?

Did you realize that Joy can literally extend from person to another?

Are you feeling great today?

You may end up spreading the joy to someone you don’t even know at all. Now how cool is that?

Taking control of your own happiness can positively affect others, did you know that?

We get this chain reaction in happiness that increases the odds in terms of us trying to shape our own moods and make sure we have a positive impact on the people we love most!

Happiness spreads among people, like a bonfire from one to another. That means when you feel happy, a friend of a friend of a friend has a slightly higher chance of feeling happy too.

Each happy friend increases your own chance of being happy!

I read somewhere that "you can not be happier than the least happy child".
What is truly amazing to discover is that when you replace the word ‘child’ with any other name the sentence is still true.”

If you have a lot of connected friends or a wide social circle, you are more likely to become happy.

NO you will not become sad if you do not have a wide circle of friends!

What was the term? Smiling faces, going places......

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Enjoy Life

See the Magic that surround us everyday!

I am completely convinced that 2009 is without a doubt our year !
And since it's already mid January, let's get going, what is stopping you?
What ever it is You are planning to do this year, I'm convinced that You are going to be Brilliant !

Just Do It!

Jumping right in can be terrifying, especially if you feel like you haven’t spent enough time on preparation. But the amount of knowledge you’ll gain along the way by ‘doing’ will far outstrip any knowledge you could get from books and planning. We need to stop waiting for the perfect moment to take action, whether it’s having enough time, money, resources, contacts, etc.

Let's face it,the absolute perfect moment is never going to arrive. It’s going to be challenging and uncomfortable at times, but you’ll be much further along and wiser than if you had never tried at all.

From the day you where born , you were absorbing information.
You learned a so many attitudes, beliefs and practices around such things as money, love, food, stress, communication, work, etc. And all of this learning was unconscious.By the time you where 7 years old you simply started to model your parents.
That is great if your parents where (are) successful and happy with their life's. Some of their life patterns have probably served you very well, while others have not. Each generation want something better for their children. That is life!

Did you know that the majority of people experience fear on a daily basis, monsters that are stopping them from achieving the success they deserve and are not even aware of it? With the economy monster breathing down our backs, many of us are feeling the insecurity and fear even more.

In conquering my own monsters, I am now dedicated to spreading the knowledge I gained along the way.
It is all about lifestyle - creating one where we can ...
quickly and easily deal with the challenges that come our way.
Break through the negative patterns that keep our drama alive.
Find ways to be joyful no matter what is happening and truly achieve the success that we all deserve.

The point I'm trying to make is.........that you want to move forward towards greater success, happiness and inner peace.
You can consciously harness your thoughts to propel you towards your personal and professional goals.
The first step would be to identify the skills, characteristics or patterns of thinking and behaving you would want to improve.
You may want to work on your confidence level and perhaps leadership.
You might want to improve your health and well- being.
You may need to concentrate on how to manage you finances.
Or you could use some help with relationships.

You may know people whom you totally admire and look up to in each of the areas you would want to improve. their background does not matter at all. Try to be around and learn as much as you can from these people you admire. Just make sure that these people have the same core values that you have. If they don't, this exercise would be futile.

From now on no more negative self talk!
Be aware of your words, do you really mean what you say?
Focus on all the great things in your life right now and stop complaining. Pretend that you are living the life you want and deserve to live right now.

You are a future Millionaire!

Here is a way that you can become more positive. Thinking is very important, you need to know what your triggers are, it could be almost anything. Our emotions are very important, when you think happy thoughts chances are that you will be happy, same would be with the other side of the coin, if you are having unhappy or sad thoughts you will most likely be unhappy and sad, that is such a negative emotion. If we get to that point, it is time that you change your thinking!
Sit down and meditate ( previous post) think about positive thoughts or events. Begin a journal. Your life will take on a rosier view, when you do this. Life is so much easier when you are up-beat and happy!

For every angel fluttering through the skies, there is a divine counterpart here on earth. Each of us has a golden celestial self just waiting to be awakened. Give the angel within you permission to emerge in expressions of loving thoughts and kindness.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Law of Attraction

Does the name Helene Hadsell ring a bell?

She has an outstanding gift of being able to manifest anything she desires into her life -- by "choosing" to win specific contests.

She's won trips to Europe, kitchen equipment, cars, made appearances on TV and in the most remarkable case -- she won a house in a lucky draw that 2 million other people took part in. She's also won beauty contests, healed herself from a near-fatal accident and published a book that sold 3.5 million copies.

She claims her remarkable ability has nothing to do with luck -- and everything with mental focus and controlled thought.

Sure we all would like to win whether it would be the 649 or anything at all. Do we give winning any thought at all? Or do we keep asking for the same thing over and over again. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit and transmit some more the Universe–which is trying to respond–can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive! Focus on what you really want and you will get it!

Allow yourself to receive.
Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins :)or just to be healthier :) when the time is right.

Be patient with yourself.
Receiving takes time.
Many people will try to receive for a little while because they have decided that if the Law is not working after a few day's or weeks, it’s never going to work at all.
However think about this one thought,everything in this world has a natural development time.
So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the Universe, are also governed by the laws of the Universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.

Support and educate yourself.
Seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Make an effort to be amongst people or communities where you can support each other, learn from each other, and also share new knowledge that you have found.
While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

In this crazy world, anxiety may always be there to test you. But you have the power to choose how you react to it. Being more self aware is the way to gain power over your reactions that create stress.

To become more self aware, start practicing meditation. If you already meditate, start teaching someone else. This will deepen your practice. By practicing meditation, your self awareness will develop and that will help you master your reactions to anxiety and worry; the culprits of stress.

It will take some discipline to develop a consistent meditation practice. Know that you can achieve this, if you really want it. The only thing required of you is the commitment to make it happen.

Imagine getting restful sleep every night. Imagine waking up refreshed and invigorated, ready to "go for it". Visualize how you would feel, and how much more you would enjoy each day. How much better would this make your life, just by itself?

Light a candle, empty your mind and gaze at the flame for 5 minutes, or longer if you are comfortable with this way of meditation. Concentrate and do what you must to keep your attention on the flame. When you have made a commitment to meditate, try to meditate at least once per day. Twice a day would be better.
Keep your focus inward on your breath, relax and don't let your
thoughts wander all over the place.
Being an observer of your breath is really the only thing to do.

Every fiber of your being is aware of your breath. You’re relaxed as
deeply as you can be and subtle shifts in your breath brings you further into your meditation.
After a few days, you will be deepening your meditation practice. The ability to detach from the thoughts and be an observer of your breath is a style of insight meditation.

Stay committed and devoted. You will achieve inner peace.
Rest assured, it will be become a simpler experience!
You will begin noticing that you are more alert, able to
concentrate longer, and not feeling as tired in your
normal, regular day. These are some benefits from practicing meditation on a daily basis. Remember to focus on your breath, detach from your thoughts, and notice your bodily sensations.

Deep relaxation exercises, will help you control your focus, discover the power of your mind, and keep your inner state passive and quiet.

Tomorrow you wake up looking forward to your new day and welcome it with open arms. Things start to look a little brighter. You notice that you have more energy.

May your life get better, better and better!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Did you make a New Year's Resolution?

Are you sticking with it?

January is the time of year that many of us make New Year's resolutions.
Statistics show that by the end of January, at least half have abandoned their resolutions and by the end of March, up to 90% have given up.

It really does not have to be this way.

Before we can make any changes in our lives, we have to accept that we and we alone are responsible for our lives.

If we are responsible for something we don't like in our lives, then we have to respond. We have the ability to change how we respond to it and we certainly can can choose to do something differently.

Key's to your Success:
#1 Be committed.

The biggest key for achieving our goals is that we have to be committed! Write down all the reasons why or what you want to change. What is happening or not happening in your life that you don't like, because of this challenge?
Imagine and write down all the ways your life will improve as you start achieving your goal.
There’s no need to set goals that don’t make you stretch. You want to be proud of yourself at the end of the year–and how can you really be that if you just did what you already knew you could do?

It is very important to have what you want clear in your mind. A great way to go about this is to write down what you are getting by doing whatever it is you want to change. To set goals you need to know what you want–and deep down we all do. Think about it–you don’t have to ask a child what twice what they want. This is one of the most important steps you can take.

There are always pay-offs for the things we do, even negative things, or we would not do them.
If you are not committed enough to write down the reasons why you are doing or not doing, what you want to change, you will never be committed enough to make the changes needed.

Key's to your Success:
#2 Create a realistic plan.

You need to come up with a realistic plan to help you achieve your goals. Most of us have unrealistic expectations and put too much pressure on ourselves. Basically we set ourselves up for failure.
If you don't stand up for what you need, then you are allowing circumstances to dictate what your life is going to be like. There is always a way, if you are committed enough!
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.

Key's to your Success:
#3 Be prepared for setbacks.

You have to be prepared for setbacks and when they happen, consider them a learning experience rather than an excuse to forget or dump your goal. Don't think of these hick-ups as complete failures, don't dwell on them and don't let them give up your goals. Just get back on that track of yours to reach your objective. ( It was only a hick-up).
After a set back, examine what was going on in your life to cause you to lose focus and plan ahead what you will do the next time you are put in a similar situation.
We fail to take responsibility for the fact that how we process an event is what leads us down the path to feeling angry and upset. How we process the event is the cause. We need to learn how to process information differently, in a more positive light.

Key's to your Success:
#4 keep track of your progress.

Reaching goals will usually takes time and often we don't see results as fast as we would like to see them. Unless you have a way of tracking your progress, you won't know if you are actually accomplishing your goal.
This is where a lot of people get discouraged and quit.
Tracking, either through charts, graphs or keeping a written record will show you at a glance, if anything is happening. What are going to do today to make tomorrow better?

Remember, you make your own luck!